Directed by: Fred Fougea
Series: 6 x 52′
Release: France Televisions, BBC, RAI, NDR, RTS, Servus TV, Head Antena (2022)
A documentary saga on a scale never-before-seen that breathes life into the challenges facing an endangered paradise on the brink.
Mediterranean explores the outstanding beauty of the Mediterranean ecosystem, its current threats, and the vision held in order to fight for its preservation. It will be filmed over the course of two years in 12 different countries and will draw on the expertise of 50 scientists from across the world, making this 6 hour saga one of the most ambitious nature documentary series ever produced in France.
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Fred Fougea, Mediterranean is part of the Global Doc project, a France Televisions initiative created to unite public broadcasters for ambitious international co-productions.
Federation Entertainment and Boréales in partnership with France Televisions and BBC Studios. In co-production with Terra Mater, Anemon and Fabula Pictures.